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How to become a Ninja?

Ninjas are Japanese fighters who mastered a lot of fighting skills. It’s not simple to become a ninja, one should have to learn and master a lot of technique before he could truly be capable. A ninja should have perfectly mastered the eccentric and mysterious abilities in his mission. “Ninjutsu” is another name of these techniques in Japanese. Conjuring tricks are very closed to ninjutsu. “Ninjutsu” came into the world from an amalgamation of many martial arts and beliefs. It was first founded by Daisuke Togakure and taught at his school the Togakure-Ryu. A ninja has the ability to play with the imagination of human psychology, which enforces their enemies to believe in their supernatural powers.

Top skills of Ninjutsu:

If you will find a person who knows Ninjutsu, he will definitely learn them from his family or from one the famed ninja ryos. Whichever way he learned, he mastered those skills after a lot of struggle. So, if you want to become a ninja by mastering all the skills which carry you safely through your mission, you have to train your self harder for years. So, in order to truly become a ninja mean, you have to master all the below mention 18 skills of ninjutsu.

Spiritual refinement-Seishin Teki koyoyo:

First of all, for a ninja, it is necessary to have accurate knowledge of himself, his personal power and his strength and weakness. And this was achieved via Seishin Teki kyoyo. The ninja had to be very clear about his intentions, his commitments, and his personality traits. Personality traits mean the difference between life and death in his linework. There are total seven elements which you need to master in order to learn the Seishin Teki kyoyo,
Knowing oneself, motivations, self-knowledge, and understanding
Knowledge of reality-This is all about knowledge of nature
Understanding the destiny
Be like water on a river bank
The heart- To have empathy
To see clearly- The eye
Love for oneself and others
After mastering all these skills, a togakure Ryu ninja became a warrior philosopher. His missions were then motivated by love, and not by the the mere thrill of violent or need money.

Unarmed Combat-Tai Jutsu:

   It’s the ability to fighting with no weapons. This will not be the first choice of ninja, it’s an advantage to have weapons but if needed the ninja could fight unarmed. There are various discplines of Unarmed combat existed which will be described below,
  • Taihen-Jutsu-Leaping, falling, rolling and tumbling
  • Jutai-Jitusu-Chokes, submission holds and escape holds
  • Daken Taijutsu- Punching, blocking and kicking
  • These skills made the ninja work or fight in any the situation of unarmed combat.

Sword techniques-Ninja ken- Kenjutsu:

Swords are the integral weapon of a ninja. Ninja sword had a short straight-edged blade, it was also considered as a primary fighting tool. Swordsmanship is the skill of Kenjutsu. Originally, Ninja learns this art from samurai. This is just like other Japanese arts incorporate sparring and also the single practice of various common motions of kata’s. Normally, a ninja need to learn following two sword skills,
  • Fast Draw- It is a technique which centered around drawing the sword and cutting as a simultaneous action.
  • Fencing- It’s the skill used by ninja to draw the sword technique clashes with armed attackers.

Stick and Staff fighting- Bojutsu:

“Bo” means staff, “Bojutsu” is the art of using different staff techniques. It’s a strong skill of ninja learned from a Japanese samurai. The ninja needs to learn bojutsu, focusing on the staff as an extension of their body and the bo were capable of being used with many defending and attacking motions. Togakure ninja was taught to use the six feet long bo and three feet cane, as well as stick and clubs of varying lengths. Ninja canes were especially designed to look like the normal walking sticks but concealed blades, chains, or darts that could be used against enemy.

Throwing Blades- Shurikenjutsu:

 Many types of shuriken blades are used in the Shurikenjutsu. Throwing blades were mostly used as harassing weapons. “Senban Shuriken” is the special four-pointed throwing star used by Togakure Ryu.  “Shurikenjutsu” means “hidden hand blade” and the art of shurikenjitsu involved the following techniques,
  • Holding
  • Concealing
  • Throwing the blades

Bo shuriken or straight shaft darts and spikes were also constructed for throwing.

 Spear Fighting- Yari Jutsu:

   Japanese spear is called Yari and the ninja spear fighting is called yarijutsu. It is the most the common weapon used  by the ninja, the spear came in many forms. This spear was also used as a vault over walls and fences. The ninja should be trained on various forms of yari including the following,
  • A short spear- Te-yari
  • A long spear- Naga-Yari
  • A spear with an additional half-moon blade-  Kama-yari or sickle lance
  • A three-bladed- Sanborn-yari
  • A metal spear- Tetsu-yari

Yari also include a spear blade and a hook at the base. And it has overall, 9 feet length, The lance point is used to lunge and stab while the hook point is used to snatch and pull the opponent weapon.

Halberd Fighting- Niginata-Jutsu:

 Naginata is the short blade mounted on a long handle. The Japanese halberd was used for cutting and slashing attacks at medium range. A ninja should also proficient with the bisen-to( A huge ninja blade version of naginata halberd). This broad-bladed weapon was used to knock down attackers, smash through armor, and ground the horses of mounted samurai. One of the main reason for its popularity was the offered range.

Chain and Sickle weapon- Kusari-gama:

 Kusarigama is the ninja weapon used in martial arts. It contains a chain and a sickle, that is often associated with ninjas and ninjitsu. There were two different ways of using the kusarigama, the first way was to carry two kusarigama and would be able to use as short-range handled weapon. And the second one is to swing the sickle using the chain and extend the range of weapon. So, to become a ninja he should master the kusarigama.


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